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Our goal is to help you stay balanced while pursuing your doctorate so that you can enjoy the process of researching and writing – and to improve your chances of earning your degree. We want you to look back on this time in your life with fondness and be proud of your accomplishments, including the ability to be focused and productive while staying balanced.


As academic coaches, we can help you:

  • Identify your strengths as a scholar and feel more confident

  • Establish work-life balance

  • Overcome potential barriers to your success, including anxiety, writer’s block, perfectionism, procrastination, “imposter’s syndrome”, time management, etc.

  • Develop strategies for dealing with the pressures of academic life (e.g. practicing mindfulness, relaxation techniques, stress management, etc.)

  • Understanding your working style and the personal writing strategy that is most effective for you

  • Brainstorm possible future employment options

  • Strengthen your research skills

  • Prepare for oral presentations and comprehensive examinations


In addition to providing all these services, as dissertation coaches we can help you:

  • Develop a feasible timeline and meet deadlines that you set

  • Identify your research interests and possible dissertation topics, chapter topics, etc.

  • Ensure that your proposal and dissertation topic have a coherent structure

  • Develop the tools for effectively communicating with your supervisor and committee members and for incorporating their feedback

  • Prepare for the dissertation defense


As your coaches, we will not:

  • Write for you or provide previously written dissertation material

  • Do anything unethical or involve you in anything unethical

  • Replace your dissertation advisor


Have questions? Visit our Coaching FAQs page


© 2022 The Doctoral Support Team  

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