What is the difference between using your editing services and hiring a freelance editor?
There would be multiple benefits to using our editing services instead of a freelance editor:
Experience: Our editors have experience writing in academia, knowing how to review, edit, and format dissertations for committee consideration.
Reliable: Freelance editors are notorious for missing deadlines or becoming non-responsive as they get buried in projects. Our editors understand the importance of a quick turnaround and if for any reason, your editor is unable to complete the assignment on time then we will replace him/her with another who can.
Flexibility: No two writers are the same. If you find that you're not connecting with your editor like you hoped you would, we will replace them with another editor at no cost.
Longevity: The dissertation writing process can be a long (and is often longer than expected). No matter how much time you need to earn committee approval, we'll be here for you.
Is the data in my study kept confidential?
Absolutely. Any and all content submitted for review is kept private and secure to maintain the integrity of your work and remain in compliance with any ethical standards that apply.
How long does it take to edit a dissertation?
Turnaround time will always vary depending on the complexity of the order. However, we will discuss with you (at the onset) any deadlines you need to meet as well as an anticipated return date. Typically, documents 50 pages in length or shorter will take 3-5 days to edit. Full-length dissertations (100-250 pages) typically take 7-10 business days to review and edit.
How do free revisions work?
Free revision work in two ways. First, if there are objective errors remaining in your edited text, we will revise that work again free of charge. Second, If you make minor edits to your document in response to our comments/recommendations, we will review and edit these for you free of charge. (Please make sure to highlight or track the changes you make so that they are easily visible. If you add more than 250 words of total content, we will charge only for the additional content at the same per-word billing rate.)
What if I find errors in my edited copy?
While no edit is ever 100% perfect, minor errors should be rare in an edited dissertation. If you find errors in your edited work, simply return it to us and we will re-edit it at no additional cost.
How do I know what level of editing to purchase for my work?
Feel free to email your dissertation to us and we'll review a few pages to provide feedback on which type of editing service may work best for you.
Can I meet my editor? Or speak with him/her over the phone?
While most orders do not require meetings between editor and writer, we can schedule a time for you and your editor to speak (or, if you are both local to each other, meet in person).
Can I provide you an outline and have you write my dissertation for me?
No. No member of The Doctoral Support Team will write content for academic submission and will not support plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
How does payment work?
We offer a variety of payment options; we accept credit cards, check by mail, and Paypal (please note that if you are paying via check, we will wait until it clears the bank before proceeding with your order). Deposits are always due up front to schedule your order in the cue.
Is editing my dissertation cheating?
Absolutely not. Most advisors/committee chairs expect their students to seek professional editing assistance before submitting a final version of the dissertation for review. The committee wants to focus on content without the fear of distraction by typographical, technical, or formatting errors. The editing services we provide focus on improving the mechanics and clarity of your content - not on creating or influencing original work.